A Bit About Me
I grew up on a small family farm in Dudley Shoals, which is a rural area of Granite Falls in North Carolina. We had the whole gambit—cows, pigs, chickens, a huge garden that had me picking beans, shucking corn, and digging up potatoes in my bare feet (not because I had to, I just liked the feel of the cold dirt 😊). That life taught me a respect for hard work, developed a deep connection to nature, and established a love for God that set the foundation for my life.
One Sunday afternoon in September of 2019, my Pastor's sermon left my heart heavy. For you see, no one knew, but God had been asking me for several years to write, yet I ignored the request. However, his message that day centered around the way God works in our lives so that we can share what He’s done in order for others to discover that He’s at work in theirs too. In that moment, it resonated with me, that’s what He’d been asking me to do all along. My heart was convicted, and I broke down in tears. God had been there for me so many times. He had saved me in so many ways. Yet, I wouldn’t do the one thing He’d ever asked of me. I decided right then and there that I would spend the rest of the time I have left on this earth doing what He called of me.
Initially, I thought about writing self-help, but there were already so many in existence. I truly felt God wanted me to deliver life change in a more unexpected way. So, I combined self-help with the twist of fiction. There are a lot of believers, and non-believers, who either don’t read the Bible at all, or struggle to understand it. These stories are specifically crafted to take various scriptures and convey them in an easy to understand, relatable way, that applies directly to our everyday lives. Each book in the Created with Purpose series is based on real-life situations with an overarching message for you to take away and apply to your personal life. My greatest hope is for you to leave with the understanding of what God can do in your own life and discover that nothing you’ve been through has been without purpose. Each of us was created with purpose and for a purpose. And it’s not for us to be defined by the painful memories and hurtful moments that we’ve all been through. These stories bring awareness that spending too much time blaming our past can cause us to miss out on our future.
These books are donated to various support services in our area: drug treatment facilities, prisons, sober living facilities, women’s shelters, homeless shelters, ministries, & missions. The desire is to get them directly into the hands of those who need them most. If you enjoy them, I ask you to join me in being His hands and feet by sharing them. Pass them along to others, tell people about them, share through your social media, gift them, donate them—any avenue to help spread the hope and encouragement that is so desperately needed by us all.
I pray you are blessed by the stories and that God is exalted and honored through each one. I’m humbled that He tasked me, an ordinary nothing special of a person, to be His voice. As Pastor Joel says, “Make an impression and leave a mark for Jesus Christ.” I sincerely and wholeheartedly pray for these books to do exactly that!
Kimberly Morrison, Author